(Originally post to GoodReads October 6, 2017)
I asked to be on Jocelyn’s Influencer Team for this book because I’d just finished her novel Mark of the King and was enthralled, so I jumped on the chance to read some non-fiction from her.
Life happens, however, and my attitude needed adjusting. After a month of staring at Free to Lean on my nightstand, I cracked the lid.
The opening caught my attention immediately. Here I’d made the assumption (we all know what happens when we do that, right?) that Free to Lean meant “lean into Jesus’ shoulder until He hands you everything and your life is perfect.” Her words were exactly the opposite. She likened our journey and seasons to sailing a ship – happy memories for Lins! Ships rarely have “balance” and when they do, it’s because there’s no wind. No direction. No purpose.
We’ve been taught to strive for balance in our lives and jobs and ministries and relationships, haven’t we? Do you have balance? Is your life perfect? If yours looks anything like mine, I’d bet everything that it’s not.
Guess what. That’s okay. Stop beating yourself up over the imperfect that is life.
For a ship to be effective and get where it need to go, it needs to harness the wind. Everyone on deck LEANS with the direction of the wind! The wind doesn’t wait. If the sailors aren’t ready, or are staunchly set on being perfectly balanced, the wind will overtake the vessel and capsize it.
We must be Free to Lean into the current season and whatever that looks like. Sometimes that’s flinging oneself into studies to finish a degree, sometimes it’s raising children, sometimes it’s holding down the fort while a spouse works double overtime for the third time this week. Sometimes it’s about penciling in a bath and a coloring book so you don’t snap and can come back to the day refreshed and ready to tackle bills and yardwork and homework. Or whatever the season may be.
She even talked about how many times a day we as women apologize for things that don’t need to be apologized for. I spent some time with a friend recently and she counted out loud each time I apologized. I even apologized for that.
Setting boundaries was another poignant chapter for me.
I have not read a book that spoke to my particular season SO PERFECTLY ever. Every chapter had a word for me that I needed to hear exactly at the moment I read it.
These pages are filled with grace! Grab a copy and snuggle up to some understanding and peace that comes with knowing you’re not the only one. Enjoy
5/5 Do Recommend – Definite Re-Read